Become a Producer on “PHOENIX”!
Phoenix is guerilla film-making. Most of the people working on it are doing it for the love of the art and their passion to tell this story. We’ve managed to field a team of some of the finest artists and craftsmen to pull this together, but we’re filming literally one day at a time, scheduling shooting in blocks as money comes in from friends and supporters.
Although you can see from the footage already produced that Phoenix looks like ten million bucks (or twenty million bucks) — because so many people are putting in their time and working for minimum rates, we believe we can get this baby in the can for much, much less.
Judging from our experience with The Maestro: Symphony of Terror, the arty gothic opera classic is going to be made for what in Hollywood is officially known as “nothing” — that is to say, well under a million dollars. Probably less than half that amount. We are anticipating 10-15 million baht, and there’s 35 baht in a dollar.
This means that your $100, $1,000 or higher investment in this film may well actually get you some money back. We offer you a big fat credit on the picture and, for higher contributions, fancy titles like executive producer (if you give around a million baht or $30,000).
For more information, write to
Contribute via paypal QR Code
If you have a Thai bank, use this QR code to make a direct contribution to the Phoenix fund.