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"One of the best period piece novels we've ever read!" — Outstanding Creator Awards
"Somtow's pen knows no boundaries. From outrageous sex scandals to fascinating detail-rich elements of history that draw you right into the machinations of Ancient Rome ..." - from Proof Positive
"Within the pages of Delicatus by S.P. Somtow, readers are invited to embark on a deeply personal journey, experiencing the world through the eyes of a young child ensnared and subjugated by Romans. The narrative casts a revealing light upon the lives of the opulent and influential of Nero's era, all observed from the unique vantage point of an enslaved child who was procured and conditioned to satiate the carnal desires of his masters. This unfiltered portrayal immerses us in the complexities arising from personal and cultural disparities, as sex, politics, and personal safety intertwine, weaving a tapestry that resounds with authenticity and relevance.
"Delicatus is an exceptionally well-crafted work of fiction that seamlessly transports its readers into the unrefined facets of Roman life. The author deftly incorporates nuanced themes of gender identity and human sexuality, skillfully avoiding the imposition of modern values upon the subject matter. The prose emulates the style and language of contemporary writers of that era, effectively channeling the spirit of the time. While the narrative delves into graphic and mature content, the author's discerning approach ensures that it is rendered with consummate taste. This book comes highly recommended for discerning and mature readers who seek to truly immerse themselves in the sights, sounds, and smells of authentic life within Nero's Rome, all from the perspective of an unlikely protagonist."
from Literary Titan
From reader review of the Vella version: "From a prolific author comes a very compelling and entertaining story of love and death in the early years of Imperial Rome. The story is told from a slave who rises from the lowest ranks to the summit of power and prestige, a play thing to emperors, a friend to fellow slaves, and an inspiration to poets. Along the way, the author provides informative tidbits about life in early Imperial Rome without seeming too pedantic — a very evenly balanced storytelling of characters and setting. The framework for the story is sturdy and little time is wasted in the telling. A highly recommended read..."
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